So you’re new to Webflow, eh? Let’s dive in.

Visual Web Design Guide

This visual guide will walk you through important responsive web design concepts and how to implement them visually inside Webflow. 

#1 The box model

Basic layout elements

Add elements to your website by clicking on the [ + ] icon in the upper left hand corner. Below are some of the most basic structure elements in web design - sections, containers and columns. 

A Section takes up 100% of the width of the browser window if you add it to the Body (the canvas of a website).
It’s great for the big horizontal sections of a website.

Section Element

A Container is a 960px block centered in the middle of the browser. Usually most website content is added inside of a Container so that it’s centered. Containers are usually added to the Body or a Section element.

Container Element

(You can click on the links above by going into Preview Mode – the eye icon in the top left corner)